Qn from Kaishun Erotic Massage Kobe.

Qn from Kaishun Erotic Massage Kobe. Which Generation does Your Erection belong in?

Has anyone heard that when you open your hand and spread your fingers as wide as you can, the angle of each finger represents the angle of generations' erection?

 An erection occurs when the blood flows into corpora cavernosa that runs along the penis.The hardness of erection depends on the volume of blood flow.And the erection angle is proportional to the erection hardness.

At youth, erection is so strong the penis points straight up as if it will pierce the stomach.
However, as older you get, the weaker your erection and hardness become.
The major factors of the weakening are because of the decline caused by aging and decrease of testosterones.

And some younger generations nowadays also have hardness problems. 

Levels of testosterone begin to fall due to age-related muscle loss.

Less testosterone equals to weak erection.
However, there are many ways to restore erection angle and hardness.
Erection is closely linked to the muscles around the thighs.
So to recover the loss from aging and make it sustain, squats and running (or walking) are useful for the lower body muscle.

Here are some other tips

1.Eat libido-enhancing foods
(Make sure to eat foods that are rich in protein, vitamins and dietary fiber. Because it will help improve your erection.)
2.Manage stress well
3.Massage penis and testicles in bath
4.Get a prostate massage

So, there are several ways to boost testosterone and increase blood flow.

Heavenly Banana Girls' erotic massage will massage the body starting on the edges and moving on to the center to improve blood circulation throughout the whole body.
Kaishun Erotic Massage will increase blood flow, detoxify the body and release a huge quantity of testosterone simultaneously.

This leads to

An erection and ejaculation twice as much sensation as usual.

For anyone that wish to embrace this immense effect, come and knock on Heavenly Banana. The door is always open.

JHEG Kansai
Feels Goodest/Healthiest Kobe Erotic Massage
06 4256 4873 / +81 6 4256 4873

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