Tokyo, Japanese Escorts are Implementing STD Testing



Japan’s Hottest Escort Guide Minami-Kanto is implementing a thorough STD (sexually transmitted disease) checkup to prevent infection to our clients.



Testing and treatment for STDs is quite essential for girls working in an escort service.


This is because not a few escorts are anxious about whether or not they are infected with sexually transmitted diseases.


In such a state of mind, they cannot perform to the best of their ability and give satisfaction to the clients who pay not-so-cheap rates for our services.


We wouldn't like our clients to be disappointed that this is what the Tokyo escort service is all about.


In order to provide our services in the best possible condition, we have the rule.


STD testing is mandatory: Our escorts are required to check at least once a month.


If the test is positive, the escort will be suspended from work until she obtains a medical certificate from a doctor.



In addition, our escorts have evaluated JHEG as a safe place to work because of its thorough hygiene management and the clean office.



All basic services at JHEG are non-mucosal contact, except for the designated additional options that each course offers.


Therefore, JHEG Minami-Kanto is the perfect place to call escorts in Tokyo Japan for those who are concerned about contracting STDs, who are not comfortable with mucous membrane contact, or who want to receive light services. 




STD free Tokyo, Japan nightlife comes to you.




JHEG Minami-kanto


Book Now:03-5422-7959

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